Advanced Animation - Exercises

April 2020 to July 2020 (Week 1 to Week 14)
Jasmine Teoh Lee Suan (0331993)
Advanced Animation


Module Information Booklet:

This post contains a compilation of the exercises in the module, Advanced Animation.

3D Animation Exercises:

1. Bouncing Balls

Week 1 Bouncing Ball (Test):


1st Attempt:

2nd Attempt:

3rd Attempt:

Bowling Ball:

1st Attempt:

2nd Attempt:

Beach Ball:

1st Attempt:

2nd Attempt:

3rd Attempt:

2. Pendulum

1st Attempt:

2nd Attempt:

3rd Attempt:

3. Flour Sack Exercise:

4. Three Balls (Graph Editor)

Extra Stuff:

My first animation on Maya:

An attempt to surprise our lecturer:

I learned how to edit anime characters in 2D to have a Twixtor effect so that it looks like they're moving smoothly through tweening and not frame-by-frame:

2D Animation Exercises:

Extra Stuff:


The exercises were helpful

End of Exercises.


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